Presentation 4, Functions

Here is the solution4_functions.R showed:

# Packages should be loaded in the main script.

# Function to calculate BMI
calculate_bmi <- function(weight_kg, height_m){
  bmi <- weight_kg/height_m^2

# Function to calculate BMI, with control points and error checking. 
calculate_bmi_2 <- function(weight_kg, height_m) {
  # Check if weight and height are numeric
  if (!is.numeric(weight_kg) | !is.numeric(height_m)) {
    stop("Both weight_kg and height_m must be numeric values.")
  # Check if weight and height are positive
  if (weight_kg <= 0) {
    stop("Weight must be a positive value.")
  if (height_m <= 0) {
    stop("Height must be a positive value.")
  # Calculate BMI
  bmi <- weight_kg / height_m^2
  # Check if BMI is within a reasonable range
  if (bmi < 10 | bmi > 60) {
    warning("The calculated BMI is outside the normal range. Please check your input values.")