Exercise 4, part 2: Applied Statistics in R


HeaDS Data Science Lab, University of Copenhagen

This part might be easier to follow from the Quarto document. You will use the following exercise4_PART2.qmd file. Please clink on the link, download and open the file in your RStudio.

Except for the last two parts, this exercise is about analysis with so-called Gaussian linear models. This is the class of models where data points are assumed to be independent, Gaussian (i.e. with a normal distribution) and with the same variance. All such models are fitted with the lm function in R, like so:
lm(y~x, data = my.data)
The term regression is usually used for models where all explanatory variables are numerical, whereas the term analysis of variance (ANOVA) is usually used for models where all explanatory variables are categorical (i.e. factors). However, predictors of both types can be included in the same Gaussian linear model. In the end, we are also concerned with logistic regression models (for binary outcomes e.g. cases vs. controls) and linear mixed models (for data with a block structure).

The purpose of this exercise is to show how to fit and work with statistical models in R. This means that the analyses are not necessarily those that should be used in a real-life analysis of the data.

Start with the Data part. The later parts are almost independent of each other, so you can choose the parts that are most appropriate for you. However, not all statistical concepts are studied in all the parts present.


The dataset to be used is about risk factors associated with low infant birth weight. The data are available in the R-package MASS (part of base R, so it is installed automatically) as a data frame called birthwt. If nothing else is mentioned, then use the infants’s birth weight, bwt, as outcome (response).

  1. Use the commands below to load the MASS package and get the help page for the data frame. The help page will appear in the lower right window of RStudio. Read about the data; in particular about the variables age, lwt, ftv, smoke, and bwt.
  1. birthwt is not a tibble (the modern way to organize data), but we can make it one:
birthData <- as_tibble(birthwt)
  1. Mother’s smoking habits (smoke) is coded as numerical variable. Make it a factor (categorical variable).

  2. The ftv is a numerical variable, but we would also like a categorical version of it, with groups corresponding to zero visits, one visit, and two or more visits, respectively. Try the following commands, and check the results:

birthData <- mutate(birthData, ftvFac = factor(ftv))
birthData <- mutate(birthData, visits = fct_collapse(ftvFac, Never="0", Once="1", other_level="MoreThanOnce"))
  1. Make groupwise boxplots of bwt by visits, i.e., boxplots of birth weight for those women who did not see their doctor, those who saw their doctor once, and those who saw their doctor more than once during the first trimester - all boxplots in one graph. Do the same thing for smoke (instead of visits).

  2. You may also make groupwise boxplots for each combination of smoke and visits. You add a combination term with a :, e.g. smoke:visits. What is your initial impression about potential associations?

  3. Make a scatterplot with lwt on the \(x\)-axis and bwt on the \(y\)-axis. Modify the plot such that points are coloured according to visits.
    Modify it further such that the symbol types are different for smokers and non-smokers. This is done by adding pch=smoke.


The term regression is usually used for models where all explanatory variables are numerical.

If you are not too familiar with linear regression, you can have a look at what the summary() output means here and for understanding regression plot(), have a look here.

  1. Fit a linear regression model with bwt as response and lwt as covariate, and identify the estimates for the intercept and for the slope. Find the 95% confidence interval for the slope parameter by using the confint() function.

  2. Just by calling plot() on your regression model you made you can carry out model validation. Does the model seem appropriate for the data?

  3. Fit the multiple linear regression model where you include lwt as well as age and ftv (numerical variables) as covariates. Identify the parameter estimates, and consider what their interpretation is.

  4. Try the following commands, and see if you can figure out what the outcome means. You should replace reg2 with the name of the model object from the previous question.

newData <- data.frame(lwt=100, age=25, ftv=0)
predict(reg2, newData)
predict(reg2, newData, interval="prediction")
  1. Fit the multiple linear regression model again, but now only using data from mothers with a weight less than 160 pounds (lwt < 160). Hint: Use the filter function and change the data argument in the lm command.


The term analysis of variance (ANOVA) is usually used for models where all explanatory variables are categorical (factors). It is important that you have coded smoke as a factor, cf. Question 3.
First, install and load the R-package emmeans.

Welcome to emmeans.
Caution: You lose important information if you filter this package's results.
See '? untidy'
  1. Fit the oneway ANOVA (with lm) where the expected value of bwt is allowed to differ between smokers and non-smokers. Find the estimated birth weight for infants from smokers as well as non-smokers. Is there significant difference between smokers and non-smokers when it comes to infant’s birth weight? Hints: Use summary() and the emmeans() function from the emmeans R-package. N.B make sure you know what needs to go into the function, use ?.

  2. Fit the oneway ANOVA where you use visits as the explanatory variable. Find the estimated birth weight for each group, and make the pairwise comparisons between the groups. Furthermore, carry out the \(F\)-test for the overall comparison of the three levels.
    Hint drop1(, test="F"). What is the conclusion?

  3. Now, consider both visits and smoke as explanatory variables. Since they are both categorical variables (factors), the relevant model is a twoway ANOVA. Fit the twoway ANOVA model without interaction, and make sure you understand the estimates:

twoway1 <- lm(bwt ~ visits + smoke, data=birthData)
  1. Fit the twoway ANOVA model with interaction (use the command below). Then use anova and/or drop1 to test if the interaction between visits and smoking habits is statistically significant.
twoway2 <- lm(bwt ~ visits * smoke, data=birthData)
  1. You should still use twoway2 in for this question. Use emmeans to compute the expected birth weight of infants for smokers and non-smokers, respectively, on average over the three levels of visits.

Models with numerical as well as categorical predictors

Predictors of any type can be included in Gaussian linear models, still using lm.

  1. Fit a model where lwt (numeric) and smoke (factor) are included as predictors in an additive way:
model1 <- lm(bwt ~ lwt + smoke, data=birthData)

What is the interpretation of the estimates?

  1. Fit a model with interaction between the two predictors, replacing + by a *:
model2 <- lm(bwt ~ lwt * smoke, data=birthData)

What is the interpretation of the estimates? Is there evidence in the data that the effect of mother’s weight on infant’s weight differs between smokers and non-smokers? Hint: What does the last question have to do with interaction? Use anova on appropriate models.

  1. Fit the model with additive effects of mothers’s weight, smoking status, age, and visit status, and carry out model validation. Give an interpretation of the estimate associated to smoke. Does smoking affect the weight of infants?

Logistic regression

The variable low is 1 if birth weight is less than 2500 g, and 0 if birth weight is larger than 2500g, see the plot

ggplot(birthData, aes(x=bwt, y=low)) + geom_point()

Consider for a moment the situation where the actual birth weight (bwt) was not registered, such that low was the only information on the child. Hence, the outcome is binary (low has two values), and the relevant analysis would be a logistic regression where the probablity \(Pr(low=1)\) is described in terms of predictors. For example, we may consider a model with mothers’s weight, smoking status, age, and visit status as predictors, just like in the previous question.

  1. Fit the model, and consider the estimates:
logreg1 <- glm(low ~ lwt + smoke + age + visits, data=birthData, family="binomial")

Does this model give evidence for an effect of smoking on the weight of infants? Compare the signs of the estimates from model3 (Gaussian model in the solution for Question 18) and logreg1 (logistic regression model). Can you explain ‘what happens’?

Linear mixed models

  1. Assume for a moment that the 189 births took place at 19 different medical centers with 10 births at each center, except for one center with only nine births. This is not the case, so we have to generate a center variable artificially. You should of course never invent such an artificial structure for a real dataset! Anyway, let’s do it like this:
center <- sample(rep(1:19, each=10)[1:189])
birthData <- mutate(birthData,center=factor(center))

The rep command repeats the number from 1 to 19, 10 times each. We only need the first 189 numbers. The sample changes the order of the 189 numbers at random. The set.seed command has the effect that you get the same sample each time you run the commands. The last line includes the new variable in the original dataset as a categorical variable.

  1. The center variable would typically be included in the model as a random effect. Gaussian models with both fixed and random effects are called linear mixed models, and are fitted with the lmer function from the lme4 package. Run the code below and identify relevant estimates. Remember that lme4 must be installed before the commands below can be used.
lmm1 <- lmer(bwt ~ lwt + smoke + age + visits + (1|center), data=birthData)