R for Data Science

Welcome to the main page of R for Data Science

This 3 day course is a continuation of our 2 day course FromExceltoR and the material of that course is a prerequisite to this course. If you have not used R since you took the course, please go through the course material again (link to course). R for Data Science is an advanced course in R-programming for researchers at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (SUND), University of Copenhagen. The course is build on code-along presentations and exercises in Quarto documents.

The course goes through the following topics:

  1. Script formats
  2. Advanced tidyverse using real world data (build on material from our introduction to R course, FromExceltoR)
  3. Scripting in R using functions, for-loops, if-else statements.
  4. Modelling in R.

The material in this repository is for teaching purposes only and not to be distributed commercially.

Finally… Dear course participants, it would greatly help us if you could complete our UPDATE LINK feedback form.
